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October 09, 2009

October 2009

Ah, Spring is upon us but this year we have extra snow falls in the alpines regions and icy cold windy is served everyday.

My team has just inherited another service which was last managed by another team, along came it is old procedures that were established before the Internet was widely used and convenience of cloud computing. I cannot wait to sink my teeth into it, oops, my hands on it, nope, mind meld it to my liking with smart forms, notes, and filing methods. It sure has a lot of cob webs. For me this is a career progress, as I get to see how people hand over legacy systems and procedures. Very interesting.

The family has finally settled on a phone-internet bundle after much sampling over the last four years. Dial-up Internet is okay but won't do anymore. 3G broadband did not rock with us, as it drops out too frequently than we had hoped for. ADSL1 plans was fine when used by 1 PC but became sluggish when more devices wanted to get online as well. We are on ADSL2 and it is faster, has small drop out intervals less than 40 seconds.

Has the Internet evolved or facing an supposedly up coming revolution? That seems to be the very question everyone is looking into their crystal ball for an answer. Disclaimer: Let me be clear since I do not work in the actual industry of technology I can only speculate at best. Anyways, from what I have seen and read, before year 2000 website content use to be uploaded and maintained by webmaster which is still true to this very day in year 2009. Users did not have much of a say and no offer of comment or email. Information online was guarded and were controlled by a few. Yet IRC has been playing on the side as a sharing content means (eg. MSN, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ) letting people chat, send messages, share links and files. Although email was able to transport larger files than IRC chat session. Around year 2002 we were see growing numbers of forums, DIY websites, blogs, RSS feed going mainstream. By 2005 steady growth of networking sites such as Friendster, Myspace, and Facebook. The general public uploading some contents on sharing content sites Flickr and YouTube with informal kind of information was trickling into cyberspace. By 2008 we were sharing information at rapid speeds and using coined terms "real time" this and that. Now people update their status to websites via their mobile phones to the Internet bypassing IRC, blogs, and email. So information online has evolved from being fed to shared to fetched by devices therefore I say "My phone is my dashboard" is the biggest trend of 2009.

-----------------------------------Twitter Post-------------------------------
  1. Tidying up a corner of the front room, fightn against a gr8 deal of plastic bags, boxes, & smelly old clothes. #Bower Bird syndrome. argh.
  2. RT A Cloud Library as an alternate model for #ebooks: Safari Books Online 6.0 released yesterday (via @timoreilly)
  3. me too, treat plz RT Trick or Treat? I choose Treat. You may all now send me candy. (via @Rove1974)
  4. More apps plz RT Decline of newspaper circulation began long b4 the internet: (via @dannysullivan) (via @timoreilly)
  5. Hee hee. Nice costumes. RT The daily Dilbert: Comic for October 31, 2009 #comic (via @DailyDilbert)
  6. #HappyHalloween Every1. Rolling abt Doncaster Westfield. lol. more bow accessories.
  7. ADSL is off and #iiNet call centre hangs up on me - how odd? Churning from 1 ISP to another. I'm in a limbo right now. I might email iiNet
  8. Eww RT @jamesoreilly: Stunning. RT @BnAToday: 10 Most Incredible Earth Scars (via @Travelwriticus) (via @timoreilly)
  9. @sngo1982 yup. doesn't he look young? back in 1985? #NCIS#Mark Harmon
  10. Time flies RT It was 40 yrs ago today: ARPANET transmitted first message between computers. @forbes_mag: @google)
  11. Bastard biz = fleas RT Intelius Files To Go Public Again. Still A Huge Toxic Scam by @arrington (via @TechCrunch)
  12. @mashable I've edu'd oldies abt Web 2.0 pts, cuz of pirvacy = hard sell. Ur article is easy 2 read & has direction RT
  13. Reading: blog post on I.L.L colour copy service issues AND future of libraries due digitization
  14. Luv readn/watchn stuff posted by @timreilly @techcrunch@mashable @dpogue & Brian Tong fr AppleByte. This pic is funny Http://
  15. #Ping created by #Gary Fung is not bad but at times with 3G/wifi it has transmission issues. What is view on it?
  16. Concerts these days are either glam or glassed. Wot u say, where f'k did u get the glass fr a supposed plastic world? Um.#AkonOctoConcert
  17. Mochic here are cream filled = yuck. I prefer soya/red/green bean paste,much tastier. Loud blaring of horn fr #police escorts on #LaTrobe.
  18. Listening: Sailing Home by Karen O and the Kids from Where The Wild Things Are soundtrack. a sweet track.
  19. Very creative. lol RT Real Life iPhone Costumes Put Your Crappy Halloween Outfit to Shame [VIDEO] - (via @mashable)
  20. @Thirkill um, to invite frens is a coming soon feature. 've u search Twitter 4 others who got accepted & perhaps befriend 'em 2 test G-Wave?
  21. @FrickinWicked oh excusé më, I didn't know the word "#wicked" is TM'ed. if u enlist on patent dbase 4 real then I can check b4 use, k.
  22. 1 HUGE b**** of a burger! High on calories alright RT GROSS: The Windows 7 Whopper [VIDEO] - (via @mashable)
  23. Total laugh feast ^_^ RT David Pogue Sings Steve Jobs Tribute: “Don’t Cry For Me, Cupertino” [VIDEO] - (via @mashable)
  24. In regards to #Hulu askn 4 subscription 4 contents, I say 2 ppl read this article abt Web 2.0 war & decide 4 yourself
  25. Recovering very nicely after yesterday fun day with friends. Next time I'll bring more pre-cooked good. Perhaps pizza/springrolls.
  26. HA Ha. Totally priceless and Funny RT Apple Fires Back at Windows 7 in New Ads - (via @mashable)
  27. #Windows 7 sure looks appealing, I don't feel right about the price tag tho'. When my HDD needs a reformat I might think abt it. lol.
  28. @Pogue Congratulations on -- "The amateurish qualities" of my videos are actually a plus! Who knew? :) (via @Pogue)
  29. @maxcelcat Check it RT @infobeautiful: Visualizing RFID fields (via @jgonn (via @timoreilly). MN: it ain't all circles
  30. oh indeed (piano stairs) would be Awesome fitness & fun RT Here's ONE way to get people to exercise more! (via @Pogue)
  31. Hint 2 #Myki #Kosky Many countries don't use trams! but those do, ppl enter @back, exit @front near driver, requiring tapping off. So there.
  32. @Thirkill um, I'm not registered to use Google Wave as I was unlucky & missed out. Have U registered your interest in beta testing with G?
  33. Link to article: RT $10 fine cuz ur mach broke dwn & we can't scan card = unfair. #KoskyLuvKamco. (via @mel_pucca)
  34. Hey #Myki, imperfect sys should start off wif sml fines. $10 fine cuz ur mach broke dwn & we can't scan card = unfair.#KoskyLuvKamco. ><
  35. Whoa! Vmail = private = always. Why would u share, eh? RT Google Voice Public Messages by @parislemon (via @TechCrunch)
  36. We should support this RT Google, Facebook, Twitter, & Others Outline Support for Net Neutrality Rules (via @mashable)
  37. ppl create fake issues 2 plug their book aka tree killing activity.#Cats can be trained if U got brains! #7pmProject HA HA
  38. Learning to communicate with publishers about gaining permission to copy for research & private study purposes for customers. Tough gig.
  39. There are times when 1 gotta wind down & go 2 the cinemas. Watching: Couple retreat. Lol. #Beatcancer
  40. RT <-- each time you use hashtag #beatcancertoday, it's $0.01 to cancer research. (via @mashable)
  41. Dang it was WICKED! RT Videos: Google Wave Acts Out Pulp Fiction And Good Will Hunting by @parislemon(via @TechCrunch)
  42. Glee time. Woo hoo.
  43. GR8 idea + 4 me no more cleaning blades RT Vacuum cleaner designer James Dyson takes on the fan. (via @newscientist)
  44. RT @debwhite and many other asking me: What's pink noise? [Answer: Hear for yourself! ] (via @Pogue) MN: wow neva knew
  45. #Google Wave beta? That's cool. I'll wait... but can non-Gmail acc holders join in the Wave w/out sign up? Open ID? Good 4 collaboratn work.
  46. @mel_pucca i called village & made a bking 4 us this sundae 2pm. oh, yeah! ^.~v (via @sngo1982) MN: Kool Kats
  47. Ah ha! power plants mjr water waster! voice ur agnst 'em! constrict 'em. Http:// #PowerPlantWaterKiller #DMX #hiphophonors
  48. Icy cold wind unyielding. Is it me or #Telco hike up plan cost cuz they chg'd billing platform? with/out notification. Any thoughts FCC/TIO?
  49. Oooh. Intriguing. RT Google Wave's Little Secret. It Already Works On The iPhone by @erickschonfeld (via @TechCrunch)
  50. Finally learnt how to add folder in AirSharing app via add a ntwk wiz. Thx 2 ppl online and forums. God send. Woot!
  51. RT L. Weinstein Why Sidekick fiasco mk essential 4 cloud apps. LOCKSS! (via @timoreilly)
  52. @chandavid thx. I look fwd 2 it. RT @mel_pucca don't worry, the HootSuite iPhone app is coming! (via @chandavid)
  53. #Tweetie 2, doesn't seem to acknowledge other URL shortner such as, tragic. The app reverts to instead, sigh.
  54. lol RT check out 'the only medically approved workout for librarians' on youtube (old, but good!) (via @Copac)
  55. TIME Mag VP - Building Best Solar Hse
  56. Go team Hamish & Andy, gr8 2 hear Ryan skits r ntc'd, & new comer Kirsty RT Congrats on Radio Awards wins. (via @Rove1974)
  57. #VirginMobile sucks. Call fren U get "(10sec dead air) um, this person doesn't have vmail pls send SMS". WTF? Charged me 4 it#Playboy #Glee
  58. miss chat bubbles for display RT Tweetie 2 Lives! Get It While It's Hot by @parislemon (via @TechCrunch)
  59. Well written letter RT @gabbyh: librarian's wise letter to unhappy parent (via @arwenogriffith) (via @timoreilly)
  60. Why do ppl feel the need to bend and rip pages from item that they do not own or paid for?! two today. ugh.
  1. omg. email security breaches? now that's a worry. it is like someone raiding your letter box in your front yard or lobby. #outrageous
  2. Good 4U boy RT My rings back on finger, @charliepick found it under a couch in ch10 greenroom 24 hrs after missing. (via @DHughesy)
  3. ooh. Google Chrome has themes... Firefox you gotta some competition. Will Internet Explorer or Safari be joining this colourful palette?
  4. Funny idea. Twitter scores a pt wif employees. RT Twitter Helps Dilbert Goof Off at Work [Cartoon] - (via @mashable)
  5. My my, someone let the cat in, nope make that a - My Little Ponyhttp://www.peopleofwalmart....
  6. whoa. um. i will try it out while i'm in any of those cities RT Free Capital City Wi-Fi Courtesy Of ANZ (via @lif_au)
  7. Why can't PS3/Xbox consoles display games on reg PC monitor or laptop monitors? it is very inefficient to only connect to television units.
  8. It's that simple, eh? Thanks for the tutorial RT How to: Upgrade your laptop's hard drive (via @cnettv)
  9. Trying out: CyberLink's PowerDirector to connect my Playstation2 console to the PC, so far okay, too bad capture scrn is too sml tho' ha ha
  10. Smashing against a titan tide here, web designer failed to test a html form that print out blank pages. sigh. some ppl don't test things.
  11. Will Australia get anything as big as @Netflix? We have Quickflix, Blkbuster, Hoyts-combo-bigpond, not really but Big w; none stream 2 PC.
  12. Playing: #Chronicles of inotia. iPhone RPG game. Simple structure and easy map. Supportive forum for game players. Overall an exciting find