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July 30, 2009

Solar power found in portable chargers

Currently interested in portable chargers. Some of these uses solar power and were reviewed in RACV's Royal Auto magazine, August 2009 issue, p. 8, FreePlay FreeCharge | Hymini |Powermonkey eXplorer. Many tech magazines have pinned Solio as the most powerful 1 on the market. While I'm currently own 1 EnergizerToGo that is not solar powered and planning to own a more eco friendlier device. Um. If only I can win one. lol. You can see them on my flickr album click here.

Solio classic white solar portable charger.

Hymini - a wind/solar powered device that wicked when you put it on your bike's handle bar.

July 26, 2009


Consonants [D-F-R]
Deshita/Mashita [silent "i"]
Desu/Masu [silent "u"]
Double consonants [っ;ッ sml tsu; katto]
Vowel Extenders [e~i; o~u]
Vowels: あ い え お う, a i e o u, (ah, ee, eeh, oh, uh)

July 24, 2009

Old but good Gadgets for websites

All these cool gadget were taken from this ultra cool site: ( They not only review tech stuff related to blogs, they also cover wider range of topics. Enjoy!

Gadget URL:
Gadget URL:
Gadget URL:
Gadget URL:
Gadget URL:
World Clock:
Google Translate:
Ask a Word (Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia):
Delicious Gadget:
MySpace Gadget:
Remember the Milk (Task List): URL Shortner:
Wikipedia Search:
Currency Converter:

Flickr has it own slidshow as well, not as clean and pretty as Blogger's slide show, yet you get to narrow down to the particular set (album you want). See:

------------------------------------Twitter Post------------------------------------

  1. For those who got a credit card & want an iPhone outright can go to Apple store, as they don't accept eftpos or cash!
  2. For chocolate lovers Lindt Chocolatier Cafe opened 271 on Collins this mth. I'm so gonna check it out! Yum!
  3. Blur scrn output is not ideal of viewing, very off putting, & counter productive.
  4. Where's da laws against cmt online? RT Critical Tweet Lands Chicago Tenant in Libel Suit Crazy! (via @PerezHilton)
  5. I vouch 4 chg 2 cellph industry & Pogue's pts RT erk Verizon's cmt( vs Pogues's cmt( ( (via @Pogue)
  6. Whoosh! incoming calls, ppl askn re: copy, use MF reader, ppl wantn xfr, pl orders, open/close dr... my feet hurt fr hurling abt.
  7. Peace is restored, no harassmt calls. Bro & I got our own roof reaching ladder & now we need is cement glue, crack fillers then can we DIY.
  8. Wot's this at Melb Central? Special Eco display, um.
  9. Vid on Harper's Island epi 12/13. Http://
  10. After upgrading to "Drill penguin" skill, the Penguin Catapult 2 game removed my skill of "Double Ninja penguin". Unfair!#Penguin Catapult
  11. Nope, fam gone over data allowance RT Slow in dwnld RT Game demos at Http:// #Games #Social network (via @mel_pucca)
  12. Testing out: Game demos at Http:// #Jay-Z #Spammers Perish #New Moon #Games#Social network
  13. RE: @mashable Overnight 30 followers were removed from my profile, but some did have names that resembled hawkers which…
  14. Dang, more price rise! RT Does It Matter If The Price Of Stamps Rises? (via @lif_au)
  15. @yonderboy um, i haven't got the shower fixed, as i'm up to my neck with leaky roof & tradies. sigh.
  16. Give 1 bad comment = You get 嫌がらせ. truth: rain still leak fr gutter in hse! Now got sb else 2 help 我
  17. family should've refused 2 pay tradeperson if they felt job was badly done while I'm @work. Why wait & suffer buckets of leaked water.
  18. Brief OPAC records = misleading when item ordered fr Newspaper desk. Need 2 consider emailing / push info 2 patron a/c on OPAC = ^_^ ppl
  19. My desk lamp is still on despite I've switched off all the adapters as seen in this pic. Weird.
  20. Today's training session was fun and I think it is going to be swell in coming workshop.
  21. oh does any1 know how 2 force Tweetie app 2 update ppl profile pic, let alone my own. Note: already updated via website just app not.
  22. Wish me luck that all goes smooth. I will be a facilitator at today's training session. Being a while since I've done public spkn/presentatn
  23. I dunno. I don't think u can tweet fr space. Wifi Max has not implemented that far out in2 space. If so military ppl would've tweet fr field
  24. Me & a roman guard at "a day in Pompeii". Ha ha. I'm still a shorty.
  25. Long queue at Melbourne Museum for exhibition called "a day in Pompeii". lol.
  26. Crispy duck and lotus with satay coconut dressing. Top my family's winter dish at Oriental Tea Hse. #duck season
  27. Hooray for web apps, they make life just much easier. Mobile apps even more fun. #Bruno #Google voice #Michael Jackson#Spongebob
  28. #follow Friday more like #chat Friday in Twitterverse. A time to find new ppl with interesting 140 characters thoughts. hee hee.
  29. The rationale behind Madonna styling, that French can can dancer bunny outfit - very bold.
  30. RT Palm Pre Ad Spooks Us Out [Video] - (via @mashable) MT: Is Palm Pre promoting "Bing" search engine? Waste of time.
  31. @maxcelcat Have u tried Inner health or eat more fibre? Fibre helps ur inner guts RT I have a stomach bug :-( (via @maxcelcat)
  32. In terms of fun in social sharing media, FB is gr8 wif fam/frens, Twitter 4 public 'BBC', MySpace for user comment, YouTube 4 vid viewing.
  33. *Yawn* nightmare. vampire chase gone wrong. movies may say we can be frens but instinct says Not, not even for romance.
  34. @headfirstlabs: What's the average length of any instructional video/clip you watch? (via @timoreilly) MT: 10mins b4 my back starts to ache.
  35. >•<>
  36. I can see this take off RT Dual Boot Android Netbook Paves the Way for Chrome OS - (via @mashable)
  37. I'm sure Google has hit da ceiling in sum negotiations but if u dun try how ur suppose 2 noe? Ok or not. Not quite a Microsoft moment tho'
  38. Delicious Sunday. Lunched at Richmond Hill Cafe & Larder, snacked at Krispy Kreme, drank Herbal Tea. Pork chops for dinner.
  39. @sngo1982 check it out RT GoVolunteer Finds Volunteer Work In Your Area (via @lif_au)
  40. oh dear. miss out on owning that cool doll. sold out. attending to driving lesson organized by bro. so far 2hrs and alive.
  41. As if u don't know already this doll reminds me of the phrase "goth, goth, loli, loli". Giggles.
  42. After 've attended Barbie's 50th b'day exhibition: reminiscent & Tarina version etched in my mind. Mad.
  43. Wuz at AustOnCollins. Jumpy wifi. Sunny day wif chill winds. More cafe closing around town. The pwr of GFC effect!
  44. Overall door is open yet wobbly still. Everyone is safe. Also filed incident report too. Hope history doesn't repeat itself.
  45. @sngo1982 OH? I didn't know. RT u should flip ur puzzle calendar & there's more! XD (via @sngo1982)
  46. HCRR right door nearly fell on top of patron luckily Iris, Jo, & me held it & reported it via phone & email. Every1 is stuck here 4 a while
  47. Wow すごい RT Compass+GPS+tilt sensor in iPhone 3GS = "augmented reality" apps like this one... ! (via @Pogue)
  48. Indeed weird but was it tickle-ish? RT Mind you, having my toes nibbled by fish the other day was probably weirder :-) (via @maxcelcat)
  49. Bro got the flu. Chucked up in bathrm. All of us have runny nose to some extent too. Darn it.
  50. Hooray! Both Fring & BeeJives operates much better after patch upgrade, that was just released on iTunes this wk. /--/
  51. Mafia War taking over FB?
  52. It seems Harper's Is. Tv show evil char Mr. Wakefield nva died just jailed but back 2 harm a gen-Y who did him no harm = no logic. :(
  53. Whew home in time for Merlin tv show. Just back from Doncaster's Westfield SC. Got a hat AHill and a super fluffy robe fr Suz.
  54. @BeejiveIM love the bkgnd & bubbles & ur app is cool but is this normal during chat sessions?
  55. fring app's conversation history non-existent & at times distorted in display, therefore not compatible w/ iphone 3.0.
  56. Quite smart & gr8 for h/work. lol. RT Looking forward to testing out (via @AIDTraining)
  57. @aplusk - like a magic broomstick, go anywhere you can vividly imagine, but only with a ute. lol.
  58. wot a wk, better yet wot a day. life sure has lots of lil' surprises. gleefully giggles.
  59. Pink hummer on Lonsdale today
  60. Managed 2 get da whole family 2 watch "Evan Almighty" on my iPhone 1 by 1. giggles. I need an iPhone projector or digital tv. Blah.