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February 08, 2009

February 2009

Ah, back to basics and routine. A very HOT summer. Between JAN - FEB we had 40-ish degrees days. It is unfair the weather only dumps water over Queensland, what about us?

We had a deadly heat wave through out the whole of February. Even at 1am it was 28 degrees. Gosh. This heat caused more than sleep deprivation, train cancellations, power black outs, and the most worst was bush fires (caused by arsonists). The wind ushered the lit fires to destroy many, many, many things and killed people as they tried to escape the blazing fire.T_TTo make matters worse is more fires were deliberate lit while the bush fire appeal was going on, and that angers the hell out of me. Then to hear low life scums stealing charity tins is totally disgusting and devastating news.>.<

I did managed to watch a movie, "Yes man". It was wonderful and funny. A good mockery of those self help seminars but inspiring about taking chances and self improvement.

My take on the iPhone and fyi stuff for myself.

Main concern is SMS basic functions found in other mobiles cannot be found in iPhone quite tragic. I hope forwarding function at least be retified and not worry about writing style or my words and so on. I can see why there is NO 'copy and paste' function, to get the cursor where you want it and drag to highlight is pretty difficult without a stylus or joystick or physical keypad. lol.

The camera not having video recording function, well my knowledge of lens in still images versus picture in motion is feeble to explain why or how to tweak it. Though the iphone's camera is good at taking photos during daylight. Like most cameras with no flash attached you get noisy and dark resolution. Even night mode wouldn't hit the mark. Ha ha. Though all cameras should have auto focus face detection and auto balance for lazy shooters.

It would be cool if you could upload pdfs or text to iphone direct via iTunes. Then it would save people using apps that crash or has size limitations or privacy issues. Yes, cloud computing appeals to many but for some like some degree of control.

Battery is will deplete fast if have 3G or wifi or GPS ON. However, if you had all that turned off and remembering to put the iPhone on idle mode when not in use, the battery will last the whole day. Only when I hop online do I've 3G switched on, other times it is off. So if use 3G and wifi sparing can you get a whole lot more out iPhone's battery. Of course, it does need more improvement, solar power screen perhaps? lol.

Over joyous when I had my iphone unlocked from Optus. やった。I just hung out at home studying Japanese grammar using an application called Human Japanese on my iPhone. I'm upto chapter 20. わたしは HJを いちばん だいすき です。(^0^)

Energis2go $39.00 @JB-HiFi
DLO Jumpstart for iPod/iPhone $59

I did manage to go on a weekend food fest on 14 Feb we ate lunch at Nando and dinner @Cafe Sahara while on 15th we ate late lunch at Richmond hill cafe & larder and dinner at Toff at town. We were bloated with glee. /-_-/

VF $69 internet cap 250MB (excess 12 cents per MB)
[VF changed all std caps eg. 49,79,150 on plan & prepay mobile internet use $4 per MB] ouch!