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January 18, 2009

Japan DEC '08 - JAN '09

23 December 2008 : Melbourne to Sydney, Sydney to Narita, Narita to Tokyo.

After catching our Q.domestic flight from Melbourne, in Sydney we transfered from Q.domestic terminal to international terminal to line up at JAL check in counter. Luckily we did not encounter any of the usual Qantas woes mentioned in the news throughtout the year. Brekkie was fulfilling. Juice tasted odd and banana was greenish raw. We transfer between terminals via bus service. The entry to international terminal from the bus transfer was dismissal. JAL airline long flight left my butt sore. lol. Sue slept first. ha ha. We watched 3 movies: Mummy 3, House bunny, and Hell boy: Goldern army. OJ with rice crackers for snacks, chicken mushroom potato for lunch, and egg salad sandwich for dinner. We got the chance to see over Cairns, Indonesia, Phillipines Islands. Slept through the flight when bypassing Taiwan. The flight landed safely.

Quickly exhanged money and bought Suica card-NEX ticket package smoothly. Tokyo station was full of moving people in all directions, many had set directions and never have the need to the time/tv/board except for tickets for a particular destination. Everyone used Suica card. After pre-purchase our Shinkansen Kodama to Shin Osaka fare, we took JR Chuo to Suidobashi and checked in Sakura Hotel by 8pm-ish. Off to Tokyo Dome City and snapped lots of Christmas light decoration to our heart's content. Ran sacked through every kombini (convenient store) on Suidobashi ave and found onigiri, sandwich with cheese mayo wasabi (a funny combo). Sakura Hotel room was freezing cold, we slept badly and shook uncontrollably. Lets say we didn't bring the right gear.

24 December 2008

There is always several train officers on the platform for shinkansen trains. Also before boarding the train the cleaners would line up on the platform preparing to board and cleaning the next arriving train which was an impressive sight. The Kodama is infamous for being slow as in 5hrs to reach destination like Shin Osaka, however, for us 1st timers to see what each station and place was amazing. eg. Shin Fuji station. we got the chance to see Mount Fuji from our seats within the train. Shin Osaka was a HUGE station and heaps of other Shinkansen trains would terminate there as well. We took the subway to Umeda then transfer JR Osaka to Fukushima. However, we boarded the wrong train which went in the other direction and ended up in Tenma. Ha ha. Caught the train back to Osaka and took the right train to Fukushima.

Buying ticket in Japan was a learning curve. First you select standard ticket for subway, then insert money, press on the two people icon, and choose ticket value say JPY 230. Tada, you now purchased a subway ticket. The machine also issues day passes, area passes, express train tickets too.

We hanged out at JR Osaka station, Daimaru (whom we miss so much), Hankyu dept store, Hep5, Est and Namco. We each purchased stylish warm jackets from L.A.G and Sweet B under JPY 9K. Plus socks 3 pairs for JPY 1050. When trying on clothes 'shichaku dekimasu ka' you have to remove you shoes. An interesting custom. Also when paying for goods you place your money in the tray/dish on the counter and not in people's hands. The sale staff were kind to us despite my bad pronouciation. We saw lots of styles and products of brands not seen in Melbourne, such as Anna Sui, Burberry, Cynthia Rowley, etc facial wash towel, winter gloves, ticket holders. Very extensive in range. Not too pricy either.

Takoyaki are served soft here and I learned to how to say 'take away' when ordering food. People don't eat and walk here for real, not even on the train except for Shinkansens. 'Supa' = supermarket has really great food whether be snack or pre-cut sushi in bento box. Sue and I stocked up on onigiri and sandwich for breakfast, pocky sticks for snack, and drinks. With every meal you get a toothpick. Thank god, JHopper Hostel room had a/c which could warm the room up for us. Slept without shaking cold.

25 December 2008

We approached JR West ticket counter to claim our Kansai Pass (to be used in 4 days). It didn't subway lines. Oh well. We visited Umeda Sky Floating Observatory. Note: take central north exit at JR Osaka station and take underground walkway. The views was amazing and looking down was spectacular, especially over the escalator. lol. Then hopped over to beautiful Osaka Castle. Magnificent looking building and so historical beyond our imagination. Love the exhibit displays of samurai traditional gear and miniature version of the castle. To end the day off, we walked around Namba. The market alley ways of Sennichimae-dori and dondenbori, Takashiyama dept store, Namba Walk (a very long underground mall connected to many subway stations), Europe street, Amerikura area, and the 100 YEN shop. The 100 YEN was very cool, it stocked from basic house utensils to stuff for healing tired sore feet. Popular branded snack food (Pocky), Hello Kitty, and Tara panda stationary/toys.

No benches can be found on any street. People sat on concrete garden bed fenches made of bricks. People in Osaka used bicycles heavily and they would normal gear, some even wore heels and business suits. No helmets. Padestrians and bicycles were in harmony, no road rage found here. many would ride slowly on the footpath, which many of footpaths in Osaka were
wide, I mean wide. So wide they don't need bike lanes or bike path. They have structure, order, and well mannered citizens even among the over crowding areas. On the elevator the people stood on the right, while peole on the left walked up. Here in Australia left side is for standing still and the right was for people who were in a rush.

26 December 2008

My sister and I went to Kyoto Station and on our way it began to snow lightly but icy cold. It was the first day of snow in that area. The people on the train was amazed by it too, as everyone looked out the window. For us, who never goes to ski or hang out in Dangenong ranges or Mt Buller, it was special. I felt snow flake for the first time and had some jab my eyes. Very beautiful and indeed moves like Sakura dance style. We changed trains to Nara line, here we learnt what the symbols on the platforms meant, the circle is for ordinary/local line, the triangle is for rapid/special rapid lines, but I forgot what the arrow ones meant. ha ha. These symbols on the floor would match up with the corresponding train door, before the door we would form two queue/lines and let people alight before boarding. So far we have not being squished in rush hours, we tend to catch 9am onwards and 9pm onwards back home.

Inari was a old style town in Kyoto, no footpath, lots of curvy hilly tiny streets, and it was authentic styling houses and shops. We didn't take snap shots of people homes due to privacy and that it is considered rude. Fushimi inari shine was GRAND! We went for a trek following the numerous tori and steps up the hill and back down. It felt like a bush walk because of the surrounding trees and dry landscape. Many tome stones on this hill. We did our tiring best to surpass them to get to the good view on top. We prayed and placed money in the hondo hall's box. I purchased a 'get well' charm for myself and 'avoid disasters' for mom. Sis was more keen into keyring and purchase a cute froggy keyring ('money returns, money is frog' more or less you give, you get in return.)

We headed back to Kyoto station, caught Sagano line, off at Enmac and switch to bus 205. Catching the bus in Kyoto was an experience in itself, as there were no instruction on how to pay. The bus had two slots, one for spitting out change it has nomies of 500, 100, 50, while the other near the driver was where you drop JPY 220. Ah. Lessen learnt the hard way. Sis was embrassed and to be told off twice.

Kinkakuji temple was beautiful as the sunset upon it, shines evermore, definitley glimmered over the pond. The pond was filled with ducks and fish. Lots of other tourists were there too. The fun part was throwing coins into this rock bowl part of this rock sculpture and hoping to make it in, many of us failed to do so that arvo. Icy cold by 6pm, the sky had darken by then, headed back to Kyoto Station. At the station itself had lots of thinsg to see like the sky garden, glimpses of the Kyoto tower, railway lines, streets, amd a helicopter pad. The helicopter offered rides and people would line up for it. Under the helicoptor pad housed a department store called Isetan. We purchased Hello Kitty planner book and a teddy bear in kimono. Roamed Porta mall and The Cube.

Once we were back in Osaka, we went on Hep5 ferris wheel, on top of the building, and the view was goregous way to see Osaka at night. Wow. In the mall itself, we found a store called "3 coins", where if you purchase 1 item = 105 yen, two item = 315 yen, three items is 1050 yen. Pretty cool. It stocks mostly the basics and lots of nice accessories. We also saw 'plaza style', 'Disney store', and local brands. There was an underground mall connecting to another building and subway station. Colder than cold 3 degree by the EOD.

27 December 2008

Oh my calf muscle is in pain! Aw. SIs' calf muscle hurt as well. We can't give up now, we have came so far to give up. We zoomed off to Kameoka on Sangano line only t discover we have gone beyond by 1 stop. We U-turn to Umabori station, walked down the main road till we found Tokkuro Kameoka station (traditional brown wood and rusty) for the Scenic railway ride. The entrance is found once you pass the gift shop and go upstairs. You will notice on the station there sculptures of a creature with a white belly on a few of the stations it stops at on the way to Saga, apparently if you rub it will bring you good luck.The view was green lushes from top to bottom. We saw people on canoes, boats, and river side homes; we waved to all of them. Good fun. We took plenty of happy snaps.

At Sanjusangendo temple upon entry of the main temple, you had to remove your hat and shoes, you can wear brown slippers provided in plastic tub near carpet entry, also not allowed to take photographs. We saw 1000s of life size statutes of budda with many arms and a traditional Japanese garden. The variation of budda image statues were fascinating and spectacularly made, we prayed every step and donated at each hondo box. Before we reached Kiyomizu dera temple we kept stopping at each gift shop and food vendor stall. Sis ended up with a few cat toys and I purchased some good luck charms. I love the pumpkin seaweed bun and Sis had mushroom bun. Real juicy. Oh then we had toasted mochi on a stick covered in sweet soy sauce with sweet green tea. We did what the locals did free sample every mochi flavour on the counter. Yummy. Many of the locals could not resist these sweet mochi too. Kiyomizu dera was grand and offered lots of photo opportunities and plenty of mini temple to enhance your wish making and lucky charms. Many came asking for study and love. We saw the sun set and darken before us. The Gion-Shijo area had lots of local dishes and hand made krafts. Shijo street had expensive but glam stuff. Our stomachs were full but at Nishiki market I could not refuse such beautiful wagashi and cheese flavoured takoyaki. We chomp some more that evening.

28 December 2008

The sore feet, sore calf saga continues. It was tough going down the stairs. Gotta be strong. Headed to Shin Kobe's Nunobiki Herb Park and took the ropeaway cable car up to the top of the hill. At the top were a souvenir shop, yummy buffet restaurant housed in medieval building, and a fragrant museum. It totally blew my senses away. The food at the buffet were mostly vegetarian dishes but they were made deliciously and fulfilling. The perfumes smelling room of the fragrant museum was amazing. Ah... never smelt so many nice stuff in one session. We walked down to Herb park's glass house, it held unique flowers, rock water features, several court yards, historical tools used in this Herb Park. At Shin Kobe 100 YEN shop I stocked up Hello Kitty stationery. At Sannomiya we ate ice cream mochi: one raspberry crunch, one mango, and one green tea. Sis found the grean tea mochi ice cream a bit full on in flavour and bitter. I ended up globbling the lot and had grean mouth and teeth. lol. The winner is raspberry crunch flavour. Sis later went back for seconds on that one.

Kobe's Harbourland was beautiful and the place comes alive at night, the tree that line the main street lights up golden yellow, all of them and all the way to the ferris wheel. The street lamps resembled a flower. Very lovely. Heaps of male clothing in these malls and cheap priced shoes for all. We found heaps of cute toys, stationery, cool and trendy gear in Mosaic Garden area. Also saw the port tower, oceanic hotel, and boats that look like pirate ship. The harbour had a nice view. We ate Mos burger and Sis thought she ordered Coke Cola instead she ended up with cold coffee with mini tubs of milk. lol.

29 December 2008

Osaka harbour port at Osako subway station. There was a big giant ferris wheel and an aquarium (entry JPY 2,000 each). Outside of the aquarium was King penguin on parade 'live' and free. Wow. We saw the penguins poop, slide on cleaner areas, flap their wings, bend their necks to the side and sleep while standing upright. We side tracked to a mini animal zoo visit where we saw guinea pigs with HUGE eyes, hamster building a nest from wood chips, and monkey doing a marathorn of loops. At Namba we went underground Namba walk and ate Aburi mochi: one orange, one taro. Crispy texture. Then we got lost when we went above ground, walked back to Sennichimae, ended up in fresh seafood and pickles market. Which was interesting but not tasty as the food at Nishiki market. We ate takoyaki from a vending machine and it okay la.

In the European street area we found Sanrio gallery store (3 Floors of drool worth), Accessorize, Swatch, Nike, Apple store etc. SOGO dept store's 11th floor looked like mini Kyoto street fill with gift and handicraft vendors. The 14th floor was glamourous and too bad the roof garden was closed until mid January. Very posh. At the food basement level, we purchase mochi with stuffed strawberry inside it. The texture was ultra soft and too soft for my liking, turned semi gooey when held too long. Inside the dept we saw Juicy Coulture outlet and it stocked a lot more than what we seen in Australia, Sis paid for a snowflake charm necklace, after payment she was directed to the exit, was then handed her item in a bag and was thanked by the sales rep. We felt odd but at the same time felt like we were treated to upper class customer service. Very different to market stalls. Orange juice area this area in cafes was JPY 770. Ouch. We are use to paying JPY 120.

30 December 2008

Last day in Osaka. The streets leading to the Byodin temple was filled with green tea mochi, green tea soba noodles, green tea ice cream and of course, green tea.Byodin temple is located in Uji (Kyoto) and it was
glorious despite most of it has corroded over time. The museum showed us a video clip of what it used to look like in its hay days. The room oozed light from the mother pearl walls and gold embelishments. Heaps of other temples nearby however our feet cannot more stairs that goes up as high as hills. Kyoto main streets like many western cities dull grey but its smaller town like Inari and Uji are interesting. Kyoto area in general offers lots of traditional sweets, hand made crafts, nice frabics, tissue packet holders are pretty enough to show off.

I got myself a Hello Kitty in Icoca mascot costume as a memory of our time in Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe. There are many places we didn't visit due to time factor. Nara, Himeji Castle, Tennoji, Ginkakuji temple, Ryoan Temple, etc. Perhaps next time.

31 December 2008

Checked out of JHoppers and caught the early Shinkansen Nozomi to Tokyo. Tokyo and Ginza are covered heavily by international brand retail outlets and several Japan department stores. Very posh alright. Hakyhinkan Toy Park store houses Luccia club indeed has many minature
toy food, which I love, Sis managed to pick the right box contain macaroon tea cake display. Oh Yeah! Then we went browsing clothes in Harajuku, heaps of punk and goth stuff, some sporty and high end designer clothing. Nothing as wicked as Namba variety and cheaper prices.
By the time it was 5pm all stores closed early preparing for NYE 31st DEC 2008 and major clearance sale day on 2nd JAN 2009. Ginza quickly became a ghost town by 7pm. At Zojoji temple and Tokyo tower many hung out there, praying, wishing, taking photographs, meeting people,
buying good luck charms, and eating street vendor food. Food were swirly potato on a stick, yakitori, miso soup, takoyaki, etc. Sis and I joined a very long line of people queuing to enter Tokyo tower. When it came to
the count down at midnight Zojoji temple released its balloon hidden under a tent while Tokyo tower switched off its lights then once it ticked into the new year it turned back its lights to reveal the numbers 2009. There were small fireworks far off near Disneyland which is no where in Tokyo. Many of us were disappointed by it. 5 degrees at 1am. Many of the young
ladies attended Johnny's 2008 count down concert in Tokyo Dome City that night. Smart. They came out like droves when Sis and I got off at Suidobashi.

1 January 2009

A late start today 10am, so tired from NYE. Jimbocho connects to Shinjuku via subway without needing to transfer if you took JR but we had to put up with urine smells in subway. Total travel cost to Odakyu Tama Center was JPY 630. Odakyu was lushes green and the street off the station leads to Sanrio Puroland. Neat. SEGA amusement centre was not far off too. Admission to Sanrio Puroland was JPY 3,000 each. Upon entrance to the main hall, we saw Hello Kitty descend from the ceiling full of stars. We explorered all floors, all displays, took heaps of photos, and watched the "believe" song parade twice. We did a little purchase of Hello Kittty goods. We amanged to get our Hello Kitty coins etched with our names. There
were many kids and parents from overseas just to be here too. When we exited the place, it was night already, the trees and flowerish street lamps all lit up, so pretty.

2 January 2009

Clearance sale day. To answer your question, their sale was mad as our
boxing day sale. Only people queued up nicely and no stampede. They sold happy bags everywhere. Bags which contain varied goods and sold at units of JPY 5,000 or JPY 10,000. Yes, computers stores joined in too, in
Akihabara. Akihabara had plenty of maid cafes serving sandwiches. A few cosplays, who are usually sales rep. Ueno market is more suited to men clothing, families came in droves to the zoo nearby. In Shinjuku, more middle aged people and giant department stores. I went straight HMV and checked out the asian pop and rock music collection. Awesome. Shibuya not only had teens, but many couples too. Shibuya's 109 store was ultra
popular. Sis and I line up with the madness and checked out each store's happy bag. Sis and I had dinner at No English name vendor restaurant, where you ordered and paid at the vending machine, then collect ticket and hand it over the counter upon being seated. I had golden soup noodle
while Sis had plain chicken soup noodle. Mine was spicy! but not chilly hot and it didn't taste like curry. The place is near JR Shibuya station. We browsed Tokyu dept store, it had extensive stationery, and Japanese crafted paper. People clamoured to buy day planners, stickers of Mount Fuji and anything Hello Kitty stationery (adorable). lol. At Suidobashi station we bought Glico ice cream from a vending machine, it was cold and tasty. We have not found varied mochi flavours in Tokyo as yet.

3 January 2009

A few of Tokyo citizens did not wear mask or covered their mouth when coughing or sneezing in the train when next to me, as a result i caught the cold and coughs.We prepurchased our NEX ticket to Narita Airport for the 4th Jan and roamed Daimaru in Tokyo. Things were still on sale. Sis sussed the beanies, wallets, and more stationery. Nothing caught our eye that morning beside Anna Sui's embroided facial wash cloths.

Yurikomae line to Odaida does an interesting loop under the Rainbow bridge before entering the island and it felt as if you were on a roller coaster. So cool. Dashed off to Odaiba Park, Decks and Acqua city good
for people on budget and children keen on amusement centres. Venus Fort is for the fashion concious, the place had no windows, 1 major water feature the fountain, the place was made to look like streets of Europe. Now that made it interesting looking. We bypassed Toyota mega show room, it was HUGE! At the sky ferris wheel you get to choose 100% clear cage or coloured cage. We choose pink cage. Both costing JPY 900.The seats was heated up and we saw Fuji TV building, Rainbow bridge, Tokyo tower, Mt Fuji, etc. Too cold to walk along the fake beach. Odaiba maritime museum was actually a ship, which we saw people goe up
and down on it. Interesting container to house a museum.

To China town we go and meet up with my friend Ms. M at Motomachi via Mintomo line in Yokohama. Their the china town covered several streets. Many stall selling foods like buns and toy pandas. No asian grocery store. We had dinner at a family run traditional sushi bar. No sushi train and food is cut on demand. The raw seafood was delicious and I didn't have an allergic reaction compared to when I eat seafood in Melbourne. Um, it
makes me wonder about the difference in food preparation. Ms. M works in IT and said you can buy bulk shinkansen tickets. Oh I did not know that one. There was a direct line from Shibuya to Yokohama using Tokyu line in subway. Next time we might visit the doll museum. Not enough time today.

-----extra thoughts ----

* To avoid ending up buying fake version of famous brands, it is best to buy it in Japan. Lots of style, colour, and the country bans fake from entering the Japan. We enjoyed browsing international brands. Sis and i luvAnna Sui wallets and lipglosses.

300 sambyaku
600 roppyyaku

Ordering: takoyaki no futatsu, katsuboshi nashi de.

Learn to listen and say:
1. ru payn together?
2. do u need help?
3. is this a gift?
4. do u 've mship card?
5. do u want bonus item?
6. do want ice pack with that? want additional mini plastic bags?

Odaiba = oda-e-ba.
Suica card = shoo-ka kado.
Suidobashi = shoo-doh-bashi

* Fushimi inari has the best looking charms.
* Kiyomizu dera has a gr8 good luck shrine and food.
* Kinkakuji is the best looking one.
* Byodin har a gr8 museum display.

* Shin Osaka station has the most ekiben & prepared food i've ever seen at a Shinkansen station train.

Department stores in Japan:
Sogo, Seibu, Isetan, Tokyu, Takishiyama, and Daimaru.