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November 30, 2008

November 2008

Whatever happened to me? Was I busy? Yes. Did I fall ill? Yes. Did I injure myself? Not on purpose, more like the case of transportation accidents. Say for instance you are on a tram and due to population issues, I had to stand; the tram slams on the brakes twice and I lost balance with this I would end up with a bruised hand or a shoulder or arm. In this case, I ended up hurting my neck! I cannot sit facing the computer without feeling nausea and so I've avoided long period of computer use. I stay on for less than an hour at best.

I blame immature car drivers that do U-turns on tram ways for my neck and shoulder injury. I blame taxi's for doing U-turns on Friday/Saturday nights for my bruise on my hand. Oddly, enough there is nothing you can do about these crimes. I mean, these reckless drivers are endangering and making healthy people semi disabled for what! For whose benefit, I dare to ask. There is no compo for such incidents on the roads, as they are all too common and too general as some pollys have stated.

I have spent most of my ill days holed up at home lying down listen to pod casts on Japanese phrases. On better days I would catch up with friends before the year is out or I play "Sacred 2: fallen angel" on the PC for an hour and no more.