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April 17, 2008

April buzz

April is all about work. I learnt about legal loose leaf service, international interlibrary loan procedures, and what's exactly involved when changing work procedures. The formality was unfolded before my eyes and i have greater respect for managers who undertake such responsibility. We as staff get to be part of that process of change, here at SLV my opinion and ideas matters, that is by the far the coolest thing. The meetings were intense but you get to see where things are going and you do you darn best to comprehend, communicate, and compromise. The procedure is being drafted and to be refined in weeks to come. The procedure is coded as "Internal Loans". The two divisions (mine and another) that usually supervises loans are having discussion with upper management about this procedure but this procedure affects the whole organisation. wow.

From the training session on deal with difficult situations, i will need to learn to evaluate situations and be more resilient.

At home my brother and mother don't believe in using their wardrobe. So you can expect to see their dusty clothes laying about and clogging up space. If you try to lift any of these clothes, they give you a scolding, whatthe!
The only things I can control are my desk, wardrobe, and my well being; and ignore the mess.


To watch Youtube better on VF 3G BB.Turn off Google Accelerator on Internet Explorer.