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January 15, 2008

January 2008

Our summer is experiencing a uppy and down kind of weather, too bad the 20 degrees weather is non-existence since climate change occurred. now the range are 30~41 degrees, then there's sharp 10 degrees and heavy rain, enough to crack a tile. ouch.

I'm working in a real library now which is wonderful and a sea change from call centres and helpdesk. Now i will start working my career path in this direction yet keeping IT as a hobby, just to be up to date with all the modern fuss. lol.

It seems the feeling of a having a crush on someone, like when you were in high school, is is more intense when you get older. Amazing feeling. Something that hasn't been triggered within me for a while. hee hee.

There is this Hong Kong singer 張敬軒 who I'm keen and have a celeb-crush on. I have seen him before in the film "moments of love" and thought 'aww what a cutie', now i think of him as a 'hottie who is also intelligent'. *drools* I cannot stop listening to his songs, especially 'adrently love' 酷愛 song. Here are some pics of him.

Also I have been self studying Web 2.0. Overall, mashed up applications are cool but whether you want to be member for everything that is out there online is a bit of an ask to spread yourself too thinly and also not to forget high maintenance. Here is a link to the other blog where i gave my two cents about each session.

Rabbits are so cute when they press themselves against the window and do a belly rub dance. So cute. They look adorable when they stand up as well.