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July 02, 2007

July 2007

I had enough of whenever twats that happens to have a 8:30am start as well as I do, they somehow think they deserve priority. I have been attending to 8:30am starts since 2003. God damn it. The twat pees all over the toilet floor @ home which i had to F* clean up before I can use it. The twat hogged 30mins of bath room time. The twat ain't no chick. All unnecessary delay leaves me no time for hair styling or breakfast. Unless I wake up earlier, again unnecessarily!

Words that interests me: Emancipated minor = made/given a full adult status

Our PC was getting rubbish alert about registry files, so I re-configured the firewall, check connection method, a full scan on spyware and virus, then last step the long defraging part. I nicked off to another room to listen to music and write letters while the PC takes its time. Mom opens the door and says the PC is done or something, she walks in the room but doesn't get out of way from the door, I had to squeeze my way out [oddly] then she slams the door on my back. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I yelped in PAIN and swore MADLY @ her. What is the BIG idea! I proceed to tend to the PC, it was done with defrag, I tested connection and all is cool again no alert crap and so I switched the PC off. I walk back into the room only to find mom again at the doorway AGAIN and she is NOT getting out of the room not yet anyway. I told her to F*** off for F*** sake. I don't need crap "sorry" for a deliberate ATTACK of that sort! I have NO idea what i did to deserve that crap. SO MENTAL!

Why do i need to wake up way too early, for what? just because a twat wants to wake up at 6am, so another twat bugs me to wake up too. Ugh!
I start work @ 8:30am too but i always get up @ 6:55am for 10mths now. I don't like being RUSHed, badly dressed, missing stuff i need, and be angry just to be put on snail trail path. I opted to my way, my time, and my decision. Sure I don't have enough for a big breakfast/big breakfast chat. Do I care? I'm an evening person. Unnecessary wake up call.

Overall the start to July is painful on the body so far. My soul lives on and still kicking as it has goals of its own.

I got myself a Three's prepaid SIM kit and only to find out no mobile internet service is given to 'prepaid', only allowed if you are on contract plans, and if on cap plan mobile web is charged on top of the cap. No WAP as it doesn't have a GPRS due to no GSM as an alternative network. Quite a disappointment. Also I now see why people complained about Three's coverage, the roaming part is high on costs [Telstra], and you can lose reception indoors as well. Sad. To add to that you cannot use the USIM in a 2G mobile phone if your 3G handset breaks down. Ugh! OMG. Luckily I did not sign up for contract as yet and only mucked with SIM start up kit. VF still rocks.

Harry Potter and the order of phoenix was a splendid film, the story is closing in on some mystery yet opening a whole heap of questions at the same time.

The Simpson movie was awesome and the texture used in the film for animation feels lively. kinda like Sly Racoon. It has a classic feel yet updated and modern. The plot was controversal but interesting what pig 'crap' can do to the environment.

I hate it when illness takes away your independence and freedom. I had tonsillitis.

Note to self:
DO NOT let mom cut my hair [short], she doesn't know how to trim nothing.