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October 12, 2005

Ms. Doubt

One word to desrcibe me well is "doubt", I tend to doubt everything before accepting the unknown. For many people this is common to be doubtful of other people and things but for me it remains with me for a long period of time and then the doubt just saturates in the background while I live my life. There are things I don't mind taking a risk as long as the risk is small.

As you come across new experience do you realise what are your true fears, for instance while playing ps2 games, did i find that i'm afraid of heights. Another is meeting someone new and being romantic scares me. Traveling overseas every moment I sense I will go poor and be lost. However, I live through it all without embracing my fear or facing them. Odd. Fear and doubt does hold us back from being bold and adventurous. Is this normal?

Combo words that describes me are:
[1] navie - stubborn
[2] serene - modest
[3] simple - addictive